5 Things We Learned... Karel Kingsley



Karel Kingsley is a multidisciplinary artist and entrepreneur who lives in Belgrade, Serbia, with her partner, photographer Stefan Ćulafić. She is passionate about visual arts and storytelling. She founded the shop Togetherness Prints and writes for a self-development blog that she co-owns called Self Improvise.

Here are 5 Things We Learned about Karel.

What made you...you?

Going to an international boarding school in the desert. There was something special and priceless about everyone celebrating their differences at such a young age. I built confidence quickly because of it and my open-mindedness and willingness to live abroad were definitely inspired by this experience.

When are you happiest?

When I’ve gone above and beyond to make someone else’s day, possibly hating it the whole while until I see them smile or give excellent feedback.

Would you rather have a muse or be a muse?

Good question! I’d rather be a muse. Less pressure on myself to keep up with anyone else.

Who do you admire?

I admire anyone who lives a relatively simple life, loves DIY projects, and finds ways to enrich their life without being glued to a screen.

What is important?


Check out Togetherness Prints here.

Images from left to right: Portrait of Karel by Aleksandra Janković and Branislav Jovanović, 2021; Letting Your Guard Down by Nataša Kekanović, 2021; All Eyes on You by Dušan Lilić 2021; Art5 is Lampioni file by Floating Bstrd 2020; Love Gallop by KezVez 2020